Jordan Academy for Technology & Careers Home

Welcome to JATC

Jordan School District is committed to serving students by providing opportunities for them to realize their potential as contributing citizens and life-long learners. To better prepare our students for college and future careers, Jordan School District has programs in state-of-the-art facilities located on the Jordan Campus of Salt Lake Community College and in Riverton.
Jordan Career and Technical Education (CTE) has a well-earned reputation for providing high-quality programs staffed by skilled educators and industry professionals, who are supported with excellent equipment and training. Jordan Academy for Technology and Careers (JATC) facilities and the accompanying programs build on these strengths. Articulation and collaboration with multiple colleges throughout Utah enhance a seamless transition for students into further education and careers after high school.

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Applications close Feb 14 Featured Photo

Applications close Feb 14

Applications will close on February 14, and accepted applicants will be notified by the beginning of March. Programs not filled will still be accepting applications until filled.